Florida police data (Plantation Police Department)

Samuel Sinyangwe filed this request with the Plantation Police Department of Plantation, FL.
Tracking #


Multi Request Florida police data


From: Samuel Sinyangwe

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Florida Sunshine Law, I hereby request the following records:

1. The total number of police use of force incidents, broken down by type of force used, between 2013-2018 (separated by year).
2. The total number of people that police used force against, between 2013-2018 (separated by year).
3. A copy of all complaints reported by civilians against police between 2013-2018.
4. A copy of any documents indicating whether the civilian complaints identified in request #3 were sustained.
5. The policy manual of the police department.
6. The current union contract between the city and any police unions.
7. All records regarding police shootings (including fatal police shootings, non-fatal police shootings and police shootings at a civilian that missed) between 2013-2018, including incident-level information specifying the date of each incident, race and gender of all subjects involved, what weapon if any they were armed with, any injuries or deaths resulting from the incident, the names of all officers involved, whether administrative investigations found the incidents to be justified under police department policy and any disciplinary actions taken against the officers as a result of the incident.
8. All records regarding civilian deaths or serious injuries resulting from police use of force between 2013-2018, including incident-level information specifying the date of each incident, race and gender of all subjects involved, what weapon if any they were armed with, any injuries or deaths resulting from the incident and the names of all officers involved.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 10 business days.


Samuel Sinyangwe

From: Plantation Police Department

Dear Samuel Sinyangwe:
Thank you for your interest in public records of the City of Plantation. Your request has been received and is being processed. Your request was received in this office on 7/22/2019 and given the reference number W013991-072219 for tracking purposes. Records Requested: Use of Force Incident between 2013-2018Copy of Complaints reported by civilians between 2013-2018Police ManualCurrent Union ContractPolice ShootingsCivilian deaths or serious injuries resulting from use of force between 2013-2018 Your request will be forwarded to the relevant City department(s) to locate the information you seek and to determine the volume and any costs associated with satisfying your request. You will be contacted about the availability and/or provided with copies of the records in question. NOTE:  Our scheduled hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00am - 5:00pm.  Requests received on weekends or holidays will be handled on the next business day.

You can monitor the progress of your request at the link below and you'll receive an email when your request has been completed. Again, thank you for using the Public Records Center.
City of Plantation
To monitor the progress or update this request please log into the Public Records Center. (https://u8387795.ct.sendgrid.net/wf/click?upn=Ow1KccipsoIsnXbuEgm-2FNzz21c1P5QIfiGon2i2bX-2BFNuY6kMaodWNJUUmkxFJQ0XOroTWcX2hpUhthmS-2FMCp3ou2fxiJsyDYDoUOfLnt1okHDDqtTj-2FIKl1zZorHs9m_HFrat6hqLNLVY2rOOpBbcZ0dn-2FZmpH08e6mLJCRScE66yJetkGpeu5bpLnSAIhmlL40i3Lf09uzYKZQdMugOs039vD5totGLyuu6bQ9ZnHdOBxx2yIM1aHY8pk98WIgZqe-2FcfM-2FgorWhFA9rKs3elmMYDnJrw1YBVFkbiZcnLkoYJwvCGFTlkkJSRiPdPFwaMMm4DQzD-2F0P-2FKIUPm6dmq3xBUK8FR-2FLBD1HckiC8rqrNIO6pFqYYjtVxMOFvNBssTAWzQyqFxO3xOgqMkKdIRTZ5MeRcrOxkSjfv7DdYtRcsefcl0es57cgAGRLiVTRbJNZtsPNydPrREaPkjwj9WH6Hh-2Blnn6gznC8a3N2s3-2FQu2OyXPjobtPwhx0FaJx5l-2Bp0uco8hd7XUsLuYiAUMUA-3D-3D)

From: Plantation Police Department

--- Please respond above this line ---

07/31/2019 RE: PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST of July 22, 2019, Reference # W013991-072219.
Dear Samuel,
The City of Plantation Police Records Department received a public information request from you on July 22, 2019. Your request mentioned:
"Use of Force Incident between 2013-2018
Copy of Complaints reported by civilians between 2013-2018
Police Manual
Current Union Contract
Police Shootings
Civilian deaths or serious injuries resulting from use of force between 2013-2018"
In response to your request, you will need to send a deposit of $100 in order for us to get started. It's going to take several hours to compile this information.
Please send a check made out to the City of Plantation Police Department and self-addressed, stamped envelope, with “PRR No. W013991-072219” written in the memo section and mail to:
451 NW 70th Terrace Attention: Records Department Plantation, FL 33317
Elizabeth Garcia-Smith Records Coordinator
To monitor the progress or update this request please log into the Public Records Center. (https://u8387795.ct.sendgrid.net/wf/click?upn=Ow1KccipsoIsnXbuEgm-2FNzz21c1P5QIfiGon2i2bX-2BFNuY6kMaodWNJUUmkxFJQ0XOroTWcX2hpUhthmS-2FMCp3ou2fxiJsyDYDoUOfLnt1okHDDqtTj-2FIKl1zZorHs9m_HFrat6hqLNLVY2rOOpBbcZ0dn-2FZmpH08e6mLJCRScE66yJetkGpeu5bpLnSAIhmlL40i3Lf09uzYKZQdMugOs-2BcbiQedA9pALs288nACn8PAzC1DiwuyiE1HoVg5K1PSyn-2Fl8uokRvCjSMe7W-2FtwAIEafNJTkfllSrahLS5Hl8pp9qwOF-2Fx-2FAWyQwDB4ZTiwA5AK5dbwyshW2sl5reHOX0KxaB1DI1TGDT73UqKHo9FceL7SyfuG87iJwPJOYT3AR5G7N5CcNRVNTyQYZBvE9FnB92dQDx9F8AJweWXaKsLtY75-2Bx8iDI4UJvi1vMxpgMBgPfBgwEzI872ITCiy64WWdRRqtMSqSpgLZOwbxSsH7cFjg4XJxZ17VmN-2BDOYtmm2A-2Bh5SM-2Fg6Vwi9a6Khd-2Bg-3D-3D)

From: Samuel Sinyangwe

To Whom It May Concern:

Please find enclosed a check for $100.00 to satisfy the fee associated with the attached public records request.

Thank you.

From: Plantation Police Department

--- Please respond above this line ---

Just to let you know that I did receive your deposit of $100. We will now proceed to process your request.
To monitor the progress or update this request please log into the Public Records Center. (https://u8387795.ct.sendgrid.net/wf/click?upn=Ow1KccipsoIsnXbuEgm-2FNzz21c1P5QIfiGon2i2bX-2BFNuY6kMaodWNJUUmkxFJQ0XOroTWcX2hpUhthmS-2FMCp3ou2fxiJsyDYDoUOfLnt1okHDDqtTj-2FIKl1zZorHs9m_HFrat6hqLNLVY2rOOpBbcZ0dn-2FZmpH08e6mLJCRScE66yJetkGpeu5bpLnSAIhmlL40i3Lf09uzYKZQdMugOs6rTpGXAq03kj472wnio9AlhU2u2q7BWRUowPQ27N6PicbEBOWyFILLQeOeSrO-2FxJ4TuESFeX5uZbY7w6ye7Z8G8keeYRqqx-2BMcnyXUlnm3B0vpath4EpYIXsteLQMha7Fg-2F7FHugrpn7MqXgicgoKn-2FfFwXg0I7L-2FaHBWL8vcbPAMXt6wLdfLRJpT2HimYkHGq6rs2GnVqy5WY1N3zk7B0t2VgW9HiHXj-2Fiy5MawXXDC3fviIYihmQ0aFjkrPlaM6o-2Fn4wXXtl5whNWsKXoV3zpPP8j0o6nB8gPwqRW4OS0oNv4IpIHxW0FT1V3PORKgw-3D-3D)

From: Plantation Police Department

A copy of documents responsive to the request.


