All rat-related vioalations in NYC since July 2016
Tracking # |
2018FR00691 |
Submitted | March 21, 2018 |
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From: Jasper Craven
To Whom It May Concern:
Pursuant to the New York Freedom of Information Law, I hereby request the following records:
All rat violations issued between July 12, 2016 to present day.
The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.
In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.
Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 5 business days, as the statute requires.
Jasper Craven
From: Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
Dear Mr. Craven:
The NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene acknowledges receipt of your Freedom of Information Law request and has assigned it the control number noted above. The data you request will be processed and you should receive a response within 20 business days.
Thank you,
Chari Anhouse
Associate General Counsel/Records Access Officer
NYC Department of Health & Mental Hygiene
General Counsel's Office
42-09 28th Street, CN-31
Long Island City, NY 11101
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From: Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
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From: Muckrock Staff
To Whom It May Concern:
I wanted to follow up on the following New York Freedom of Information Law request, copied below, and originally submitted on March 21, 2018. Please let me know when I can expect to receive a response, or if further clarification is needed. You had assigned it reference number #2018FR00691.
Thanks for your help, and let me know if further clarification is needed.
From: Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
Dear Mr. Craven:
Please be advised that review of the data you requested has not yet been completed. We anticipate completing the process and having a response to you by May 11, 2018. We apologize for the delay.
Thank you,
Chari Anhouse
Associate General Counsel/Records Access Officer
NYC Department of Health & Mental Hygiene
General Counsel's Office
42-09 28th Street, CN-31
Long Island City, NY 11101
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Sent from the New York City Department of Health & Mental Hygiene. This email and any files transmitted with it may contain confidential information and are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. This footnote also confirms that this email message has been swept for the presence of computer viruses.
From: Muckrock Staff
To Whom It May Concern:
I'm following up on the following New York Freedom of Information Law request, copied below, and originally submitted on March 21, 2018. You previously indicated that it would be completed on May 11, 2018. I wanted to let you know that I am still interested in the following documents, and to see if that date was still accurate. You had assigned it reference number #2018FR00691.
Thanks for your help, and let me know if further clarification is needed.
From: Muckrock Staff
To Whom It May Concern:
I'm following up on the following New York Freedom of Information Law request, copied below, and originally submitted on March 21, 2018. You had previously indicated that it would be completed on May 11, 2018. I wanted to check on the status of my request, and to see if there was a new estimated completion date. You had assigned it reference number #2018FR00691.
Thanks for your help, and let me know if further clarification is needed.
From: Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
Dear Mr. Craven:
It has been brought to my attention that the data you requested - all rat violations issued between July 12, 2016 to present day - is now available online at NYC's Open Data portal. This data is updated daily, so it will give you real time information.
The data is located here<>. Once at the site, choose the blue "View Data" button. You will then need to filter the data a few times to get what you want. You do this by clicking on the "filter" button. You will then click on "Add a New Filter Condition" and choose "Inspection_Type" from the first dropdown menu and "is" from the second. From this data, you will again filter by clicking on the "Add a New Filter Condition" and choosing "Result" from the first dropdown menu and "is not" from the second. This data begins in 2009, so you will also have to add another filter condition for date; in this instance you would filter for "Inspection_Date" "is after" and use the calendar to choose the appropriate date. This will give you all the locations that did not pass inspection and were therefore issued notices of violation for the conditions noted.
I hope this has been helpful and thank you,
Chari Anhouse
Associate General Counsel/Records Access Officer
NYC Department of Health & Mental Hygiene
General Counsel's Office
42-09 28th Street, CN-31
Long Island City, NY 11101
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Sent from the New York City Department of Health & Mental Hygiene. This email and any files transmitted with it may contain confidential information and are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. This footnote also confirms that this email message has been swept for the presence of computer viruses.