Fines and Fees in Operating Budget (Police Department)

Michael Morisy filed this request with the Houston Police Department of Houston, TX.
Est. Completion None
No Responsive Documents


From: HPD - Open Records

Please forward your request to the City of Houston Municipal Courts:<>


HPD Open Records Unit

From: Michael Morisy

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Texas Public Information Act, I hereby request the following records:

* A copy of any official calculations of revenue coming from court fees and fines between FY 11 and FY 15, or calendar year 2010 and calendar 2014 if your government operates on a calendar year budget cycle.

* Accounts Receivable databases that cover fines and fees paid for government services by individuals, rather than businesses. This would include Revenue Journals that cover such payments, as well as other financial statements that cover income from fees and fines.

* Any logs of appeals of fines that is kept by this agency, including, if the log has it, outcome of the appeal, payments made, and other fields that are present in such a log.

*A copy of contracts with any vendors that help manage the assignment, collection, or management of fees and citation information. This would include contracts with vendors that provide parking ticket software, for example, as well as court fees.

*The record layout for any databases that are used to track the assignment, collection, or management of fees, fines and citations. This would just be a copy of the header columns in these databases, and not the information in the databases.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that fees cannot be waived, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 10 business days, as the statute requires.


Michael Morisy

From: MCD - Court Record Requests

Thank you for contacting the Houston Municipal Courts - Public Information Office (Open Records). Your request has been received and a department representative will respond to your inquiry within 14 business days.

For immediate assistance regarding ticket options, court dates, payments, resets, or fines, contact the 3-1-1 Houston Service Helpline at 713.837.0311, Monday - Friday, 6a-8p or by email at <><>.

For more information regarding Municipal Courts visit us on the web at <><>.

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Thank you, City of Houston Municipal Courts Department
Public Information Office (Open Records)
1400 Lubbock Street
Houston, Texas 77002
Monday-Friday; 8am-5pm


If you would like to receive periodic emails from Mayor Annise D. Parker and the City of Houston on topics of interest to you and your neighborhood, please go to<blocked::file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/e118867/Application%20Data/Microsoft/Signatures/> and register with CitizensNet.

From: Curry, Melonie - ARA

Dear Staff Reporter,

Your request is directed to the Houston Police Department. The Parking Management Division is a division of the Administration and Regulatory Affairs. If you are seeking information on parking citations and fines, please submit a request to the Administration and Regulatory Affairs Department.

Please clarify if you are requesting the database or the data.


Melonie Curry, MBA
Staff Analyst
Parking Management Division | Administration and Regulatory Affairs
2020 McKinney |Houston, TX 77003
T - 832-393-8645
F - 832-395-9487<><>

From: ARA Open Records Request

Dear Mr. Morisy,

Administration and Regulatory Affairs (ARA) Department may have some information regarding parking tickets. However, the parking citations are not managed by the Police Department ; they are managed by ARA. Please let us know if you would like to have the information regarding fine and fee that are handling by ARA. Please see email below for more details.

Best regards,


Tam Nguyen
Administrative Specialist
Administration & Regulatory Affairs Department
611 Walker, 5th floor, Houston, TX 77002
PH: (832) 393-8538
Fax: (832) 393-8539

If you would like to receive periodic emails from Mayor Annise D. Parker and the City of Houston on topics of interest to you and your neighborhood, please go to<> and register with CitizensNet.

From: Goins, Gwendolyn - MCD

Hello Mr. Morisy,
I am in receipt of your open records request below. Would you please give me a call or providing your phone number so that I may contact you to discuss your request. I'd like to make sure we're interpreting your inquiry correctly before we proceed further. Thanks in advance for your understanding and cooperation.
Gwendolyn Goins
Public Information Officer
Municipal Courts Department
1400 Lubbock, Room N203
Houston, Texas 77002

From: ARA - PirPending

Dear Mr. Morisy,

We haven’t received any responses from you to our email on November 30, 2015. Please review email below and let us know your decision so we can process your request accordingly. If we don’t receive any responses from you by the end of this week, we will close our files in this matter.



Tam Nguyen
Administrative Specialist
Administration & Regulatory Affairs Department
611 Walker, 5th floor, Houston, TX 77002
PH: (832) 393-8538
Fax: (832) 393-8539

If you would like to receive periodic emails from Mayor Annise D. Parker and the City of Houston on topics of interest to you and your neighborhood, please go to<> and register with CitizensNet.
