UMass Amherst Vendor Expenses, FY15-FY24
Submitted | Aug. 11, 2024 |
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From: AJ Vincelli
Pursuant to the Massachusetts Public Records Law, I am hereby submitting a Public Records Request for all money given from University of Massachusetts (Amherst) to external vendors/suppliers in FY2015 through (and including) FY2024, a total of 10 years.
Specifically, the data I am requesting include (but are not limited to):
* all vendors, suppliers, individuals, and public-private partnerships
* all materials, goods, services, properties, commodities, equipment leases, property leases, and licenses
* all catalog orders, non-catalog orders, blanket orders, direct payments, bank card purchases, strategic sourcing, and competitive procurements
* all auxiliary services purchases (starts in 2022, may be from a different accounting system)
* all purchase orders, requisitions, and invoices
* all products, goods, services, contracts, and subcontracts
* all accounts, classes, commodities, and departments
* regardless of the funding source
I’m requesting the data in a single Excel spreadsheet file (.xlsx format) with at least the following columns:
* Amount
* Supplier/Vendor Name
* Account Description
* Commodity Description
* Fiscal Year
* Department/Origin Description
Please report every expense, even if one or more of the above fields is blank. Please also include negative expense amounts, which is rare but does occur.
In case it’s helpful, I've attached an image example of what I’m hoping to receive. The columns may be in any order, and the fiscal years may be on one sheet or different sheets. The columns can be sorted in any order, or unsorted if that’s easiest.
I’m anticipating that this request may be fulfilled by a simple financial report generation and export of the generated file, and therefore shouldn’t take much human time or incur any fees. Please let me know immediately if this isn’t the case, so I can modify my request as necessary to meet the PRL deadline of 10 business days.
Please email the Excel file by the deadline of Monday August 26th, 2024.
Thank you very much!
AJ Vincelli
Graduate Student Union at UMass Dartmouth
From: University of Massachusetts (Amherst)
I am in receipt of your records request as detailed below.
The Massachusetts Public Records Law, M.G.L. Ch. 66, § 10, along with its associated regulations, permits the University to estimate and assess the estimated cost of searching for the requested records or segregating exempt information from non-exempt information. I estimate that your request took less than four hours to complete and there will be no copying fee charged for this request. As a, result there will be no fee.
Please find below the Dropbox link for the data requested. Considering the size of the data, it was not possible to email the files.
Under Chapter 66 of the General Laws, you have the right to appeal our disposition of your request to the Supervisor of Public Records, Office of the Secretary of State,<> and the right to seek judicial review of an unfavorable decision by commencing a civil action in the superior court under subsection (c) of section 10A.
Thank you,
Christine M. Wilda
Associate Chancellor for Compliance
UMASS Amherst
340 Whitmore Building
Amherst, MA 01003
Ph: 413-545-2148
Fax: 413-545-2114<>