Police log for Jan. 15-Feb. 1, 2015
It is a clone of this request.
Submitted | March 5, 2015 |
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From: Emily Hopkins
To Whom It May Concern:
Pursuant to the Massachusetts Public Records Law, M.G.L. c.66, §10, I hereby request the following records:
A copy of the police log for the period beginning on January 15, 2015 and ending on February 1, 2015.
I also request that, if appropriate, fees be waived as we believe this request is in the public interest, as suggested but not stipulated by the recommendations of the Massachusetts Supervisor of Public Records. The requested documents will be made available to the general public free of charge as part of the public information service at MuckRock.com, processed by a representative of the news media/press and is made in the process of news gathering and not for commercial usage.
I expect the request to be filled in an accessible format, including for screen readers, which provide text-to-speech for persons unable to read print. Files that are not accessible to screen readers include, for example, .pdf image files as well as physical documents.
In the event that fees cannot be waived, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.
Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 10 calendar days, as the statute requires.
Emily Hopkins
From: Section, MSP Legal (POL)
Dear Ms. Hopkins,
The legal section of the Massachusetts State Police is in receipt of your request. It will be forwarded to one of our staff counsel, who will contact you regarding the specifics of your request.
Your attention to this matter is greatly appreciated.
Massachusetts State Police Legal Section
General Headquarters
470 Worcester Road
Framingham, MA 01702
From: Section, MSP Legal (POL)
Good Morning Ms. Hopkins,
The Massachusetts Department of State Police ("Department") has received your public records request. In order to process your request, however, the Department will need more information. Are you requesting the Department’s public log for a particular Department barracks for the specified time period? If so, please respond to this email and identify the barracks so that the Department may process your request.
Further, please be aware that:
· The Department may send you a good faith estimate for the cost of complying with your inquiry, since, pursuant to the Massachusetts Public Records Law, a records custodian may charge and recover a fee for the time he or she spends searching, redacting, photocopying and re-filing a record.
· Any response by the Department will be subject to the exemptions to the Public Records Law set forth in G.L. c. 4, sec. 7, cl. 26 (a)-(q).
· Under the Public Records Law, every requester is treated equally; therefore, even a person who is the subject of the record is not granted any greater access right than any other person.
Your attention to this matter is appreciated.
Massachusetts State Police Legal Section
General Headquarters
470 Worcester Road
Framingham, MA 01702
From: MuckRock.com
To Whom It May Concern:
I wanted to follow up on the following Freedom of Information request, copied below, and originally submitted on March 5, 2015. Please let me know when I can expect to receive a response, or if further clarification is needed.
Thank you for your help.
From: Section, MSP Legal (POL)
Dear Ms. Hopkins,
As indicated in an earlier Department e-mail to you, the Department is in receipt of your request but requires further information. Please see below response from March 10, 2015.
On March 10, 2015:
Good Morning Ms. Hopkins,
The Massachusetts Department of State Police ("Department") has received your public records request. In order to process your request, however, the Department will need more information. Are you requesting the Department’s public log for a particular Department barracks for the specified time period? If so, please respond to this email and identify the barracks so that the Department may process your request.
Massachusetts State Police Legal Section
General Headquarters
470 Worcester Road
Framingham, MA 01702
From: Emily Hopkins
Hi there,
Thanks for your response, and sorry that I didn't see it the first time you sent it. I'd like to narrow my request to the following barracks:
Station H-1, SP Beacon Hill
Station H-3, SP Foxboro
Station H-4, SP Boston
Station H-5, SP Brighton
Station H-6, SP South Boston
Station B-3, SP Springfield
Thank you,
Emily Hopkins
From: MuckRock.com
To Whom It May Concern:
I wanted to follow up on the following Freedom of Information request, copied below, and originally submitted on March 5, 2015. Please let me know when I can expect to receive a response, or if further clarification is needed.
Thank you for your help.
From: MuckRock.com
To Whom It May Concern:
I wanted to follow up on the following Freedom of Information request, copied below, and originally submitted on March 5, 2015. Please let me know when I can expect to receive a response, or if further clarification is needed.
Thank you for your help.
From: Section, MSP Legal (POL)
Dear Ms. Hopkins,
Attached you will find the Department’s response to your records request. You will only be receiving the attached via email. Your attention to this matter is appreciated. Thank you.
Massachusetts State Police Legal Section
General Headquarters
470 Worcester Road
Framingham, MA 01702