Food Stamp Reimbursements for January - May 2010
Submitted | June 10, 2010 |
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From: Michael Morisy
[[Requested Mailed To Amy West,, referrred to her by Cindy with Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA)]]
Hi Amy,
Thanks so much for your time on the phone. I'm requesting documentation about how much each grocery store is reimbursed in the state of MA from its food stamp programs. I'm interested in looking at data from the last 12 available months, preferably in a digital format.
However the data is formatted (by individual store, chain, etc.) is fine.
From: Health Department of Massachusetts
Good morning,
Attached please find annual Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) sales for all SNAP retailers in Massachusetts.
Note the first section of the spreadsheet displays meal service programs. The types of programs are abbreviated as described in the chart below.
I hope this meets your needs.
- Meal Service Types
- AD Alcohol and Drug Treatment Center
- AT Alcohol Treatment Center
- BW Battered Women's Shelter
- DT Drug Treatment Center
- GL Group Living Arrangement
- HP Homeless Provider
- NP Non-profit Communal Dining Facility
Cyndi Sullivan, Deputy Director
Financial Program Management
Department of Transitional Assistance
Phone Number Redacted
From: Health Department of Massachusetts