2018 Escaped Peacock Incident
Submitted | Nov. 5, 2019 |
Est. Completion | None |
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From: Nicholas Marritz
Dear Kennett Square Police Department:
This is a request for records under Pennsylvania's Right-To-Know Law.
In 2018, a Kennett Square woman's peacock, Gemini, escaped from an enclosure and pooped on a sidewalk at the entrance to Bancroft Elementary School. The owner, Winden Rowe, was charged with disorderly conduct. The incident was widely reported in local and even national news media, including the Washington Post (https://www.washingtonpost.com/science/2018/12/06/her-peacock-pooped-she-was-charged-with-disorderly-conduct/).
I request all records related to this incident (including subsequent media inquiries). "Records" includes all writings, video recordings, or audio recordings. All responsive records will be made available to the general public online for free, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes. In the event that there are fees, please inform me of the total charges before fulfilling my request. With regard to the form of production, I would prefer that this request be filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or on CD-ROM if not.
Thank you in advance.
I look forward to receiving your response to this request within five business days.
Nicholas Marritz
From: Kennett Square Police Department
Good afternoon,
This is not a Kennett Square Borough incident. The request you have referenced occurred in New Garden Township and is covered by the Southern Chester County Regional Police Department.
William T. Holdsworth
Chief of Police
Kennett Square Police Department
115 N. Broad St
Kennett Square, PA 19348
(610) 444-0501 - phone
(610) 444-4267 - fax
[Email] [facebook] <https://www.facebook.com/Kennett-Square-Police-Department-729281290424478/> [cw-eyelogo] <https://chester.crimewatchpa.com/kennettsquarepd/14864>
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From: Nicholas Marritz
Dear Chief Holdsworth,
Thank you for your message, and for pointing me in the right direction.
With kind regards,
Nick Marritz