Reclaim the Records - Survey

Let us know about record sets that have limited public access and may be available under state Freedom of Information laws.

We’ll investigate and may add these records to our “to-do list”.

(You can use a pseudonym.)

(You can use a pseudonym.)

(You can use a throwaway e-mail address.)

(We ask because some states only allow residents to make Freedom of Information requests.)


What kind of records are they? What years do they cover? What is their value to archivists and genealogists?

Are they handwritten? Typed? A computer print-out? In a book? Microfilmed? A searchable database? A bunch of files on a hard drive?

Are they only available on-site at a certain archive or library? Which one(s)? Are they searchable by government employees or archivists but not searchable by the general public? Are they available through any websites? Are they available on FamilySearch



When selected, we will note you contributed to the project and list your name next to responses marked public

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