FOIA - Covert Surveillance Programs, counterintelligence operations and Domestic Intelligence Activities (Redondo Beach Police Department)

Evan Rees filed this request with the Redondo Beach Police Department of Redondo Beach, CA.
Multi Request FOIA - Covert Surveillance Programs, counterintelligence operations and Domestic Intelligence Activities
Due April 5, 2024
Est. Completion None
Awaiting Response


From: Evan Rees

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the California Public Records Act, I hereby request the following records:

This FOIA request, submitted by Evan L Rees, seeks access to documents related to covert surveillance programs, counterintelligence operations, and domestic intelligence activities conducted by agency or it's contractors that may be synonymous with or reminiscent of tactics employed in historical programs such as COINTELPRO and MK Ultra. Specifically, this request aims to obtain records pertaining to activities that could be colloquially referred to as "Cointelpro 2.0" or any other covert programs undertaken by the agency involving surveillance, infiltration, disruption, or manipulation of individuals or groups within the United States.

Documents of interest include, but are not limited to:

1. Internal memoranda, directives, and communications discussing the planning, execution, and objectives of such covert operations, including any references to MK Ultra or similar programs.
2. Operational plans, strategies, and guidelines governing the conduct of surveillance and intelligence-gathering activities, including any involvement or coordination with community policing initiatives.
3. Records of surveillance operations, including logs, reports, and warrants obtained for monitoring targeted individuals or groups, including any watch lists or databases used for tracking.
4. Intelligence reports, assessments, and analyses generated as a result of surveillance and infiltration efforts, including any assessments related to private contractors involved in intelligence activities.
5. Training materials, manuals, and protocols used to educate personnel involved in covert operations, including any materials related to community alerts or coordination with neighborhood watch groups.
6. Budgetary documents related to the funding and allocation of resources for covert surveillance and intelligence activities.
7. Legal opinions, guidance, and interpretations concerning the legality and oversight of covert programs.
8. After-action reports, evaluations, and assessments conducted to review the effectiveness and impact of covert operations.

This request also encompasses documents related to activities synonymous with or related to "Cointelpro 2.0," including but not limited to covert surveillance programs, counterintelligence operations, undercover investigations, disruption programs, counterterrorism measures, covert infiltration tactics, political surveillance programs, coercive intelligence operations, and national security investigations.

Please process this request specifically for Evan L Rees, as the documents sought are requested in relation to myself.

I am specifically requesting expedited processing of this request, as the information sought is of timely and significant public interest.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Evan L Rees

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 10 calendar days, as the statute requires.


Evan L Rees

From: Evan Rees

To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing to follow up on my previous request submitted under the California Public Records Act on [insert date of initial request] and acknowledged by your office. As of today's date, I have not received a response to my request for records related to covert surveillance programs, counterintelligence operations, and domestic intelligence activities conducted by the Redondo Beach Police Department.

Given the importance and urgency of the information sought, I am requesting an update on the status of my request and an estimated timeline for when I can expect a response. Additionally, I would like to reiterate my request for expedited processing due to the timely and significant public interest in the subject matter.

For your reference, my original request outlined specific documents of interest, including internal memoranda, operational plans, records of surveillance operations, intelligence reports, training materials, budgetary documents, legal opinions, and after-action reports related to covert programs and activities synonymous with "Cointelpro 2.0".

I remain committed to cooperating with your office and appreciate your attention to this matter. Please feel free to contact me if you require any further clarification or information to facilitate the processing of my request.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.


Evan L Rees

From: Evan Rees


To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing to follow up on my previous request submitted under the California Public Records Act on 3/26/2024 and acknowledged by your office. As of today's date, I have not received a response to my request for records related to covert surveillance programs, counterintelligence operations, and domestic intelligence activities conducted by the Redondo Beach Police Department.

Given the importance and urgency of the information sought, I am requesting an update on the status of my request and an estimated timeline for when I can expect a response. Additionally, I would like to reiterate my request for expedited processing due to the timely and significant public interest in the subject matter.

For your reference, my original request outlined specific documents of interest, including internal memoranda, operational plans, records of surveillance operations, intelligence reports, training materials, budgetary documents, legal opinions, and after-action reports related to covert programs and activities synonymous with "Cointelpro 2.0".

I remain committed to cooperating with your office and appreciate your attention to this matter. Please feel free to contact me if you require any further clarification or information to facilitate the processing of my request.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.


Evan L Rees

From: Redondo Beach Police Department

Good Morning,

The Redondo Beach Police Department does not participate or run any Covert Surveillance Programs, counterintelligence operations and Domestic Intelligence Activities.

Roxanne Henry │ Records Manager
Redondo Beach Police Department
401 Diamond Street │ Redondo Beach CA 90277<> │Phone: 310-697-3420<>

We Are the Community - Leading the Way in Law Enforcement


From: Evan Rees

Dear Ms. Henry,

Thank you for your prompt response.

In light of the information provided, I would like to express my concern regarding the apparent disparity between the assurances provided and the existing evidence indicating potential collaboration between local law enforcement agencies, including the Redondo Beach Police Department, and federal entities in conducting covert surveillance programs and domestic intelligence activities.

While I acknowledge your statement affirming the non-participation of the Redondo Beach Police Department in such activities, there are historical examples of collaboration between federal and local law enforcement agencies for intelligence-gathering purposes. Programs such as the Joint Terrorism Task Forces (JTTFs) exemplify this collaboration, aiming to investigate and prevent terrorist activities through coordinated efforts between federal, state, and local entities.

Recent news articles have also highlighted federal mandates urging collaboration between local law enforcement agencies and federal entities for intelligence-gathering purposes. These articles underscore the importance of transparency and accountability in law enforcement practices, particularly concerning activities that may infringe upon civil liberties or constitutional rights.

In the interest of ensuring full compliance with the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and fostering transparency in law enforcement practices, I respectfully request a comprehensive review of all relevant records within the possession, custody, or control of the Redondo Beach Police Department. This review should encompass not only explicit references to covert surveillance programs or counterintelligence operations but also any documents or communications that may indirectly allude to or suggest collaboration with federal agencies in similar activities.

Furthermore, I would appreciate clarification on the scope and methodology employed in the search for responsive records. Specifically, I am requesting documents within the date range of January 1, 2006, through April 17, 2024, pertaining to Evan L Rees and of a general nature. It is imperative that the search be conducted thoroughly and in accordance with FOIA requirements, including the involvement of all pertinent departments, units, and contracted entities associated with law enforcement activities in Redondo Beach.

As a concerned citizen exercising my rights under the FOIA, I am committed to upholding the principles of transparency and accountability in government operations. Therefore, I respectfully urge the Redondo Beach Police Department to provide a comprehensive and legally binding response to this request, acknowledging any potential collaboration with federal entities in covert surveillance programs or domestic intelligence activities.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to receiving a prompt and substantive response.


Evan L Rees
