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racist statues

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Revisiting Corey Stewart’s mailbag after Charlottesville

Revisiting Corey Stewart’s mailbag after Charlottesville

Last year, we filed a request for Corey Stewart’s various Confederate-related correspondence, and received it around the time Stewart voiced support for a white supremacist gathering in Charlottesville, Virginia at the Robert E. Lee statue. Three months later, a much larger rally dubbed “Unite the Right” saw Heather Heyer killed by a neo-Nazi. MuckRock duplicated the original request for emails, with the addition of keywords related to the rally. We received 21 pages of emails, none written by Stewart.

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How much is America spending on racist statues?

How much is America spending on racist statues?

MuckRock is asking you to submit examples of the most racist memorials and monuments in the country. We’ll follow up by submitting records requests that will help us find out exactly how much time and energy local, state, and federal agencies devote to upkeep.

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