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Meredith Broussard joins MuckRock Foundation board of directors

Meredith Broussard joins MuckRock Foundation board of directors

We are excited to share that Meredith Broussard, associate professor at the Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute of New York University and the author of Artificial Unintelligence: How Computers Misunderstand the World, has joined the board of the MuckRock Foundation.

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Predictive policing in DOJ-cited jurisdictions is bad policy, AI Now says

Predictive policing in DOJ-cited jurisdictions is bad policy, AI Now says

The AI Now Institute is calling for checks on the datasets used by predictive policing systems because of concerns that the technology can perpetuate, rather than address, “dirty” policing practices.

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AI Now report urges government, industry, and public work together to strengthen algorithm accountability

AI Now report urges government, industry, and public work together to strengthen algorithm accountability

Governments and private companies using artificial intelligence to make significant decisions should be much more transparent about their work - and quit claiming the details are trade secrets they can keep from public scrutiny, says a new report from the AI Now Institute, based at New York University.

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