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2 Projects

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Closed Meeting Crash

This project will evaluate Massachusetts municipalities’ responsiveness to records requests, as well as which have kept up with reviewing and releasing the executive session minutes of their local boards, and which have not.

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The Weapons of Safety and Security in Massachusetts

Weapons are a ubiquitous tool for any police department in the United States. In Massachusetts, the choice of police weapons is delegated to the more than 340 individual police agencies within the state. What weapons have been chosen to provide safety and security to their operating areas?

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155 Articles

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How New England caught the COVID deaths much of the country missed

How New England caught the COVID deaths much of the country missed

The USA TODAY Network in New England and the Documenting COVID-19 project partnered to investigate how New England became a positive data anomaly in terms of COVID death reporting accuracy. Across the region, excess deaths during the pandemic are almost completely accounted for by official COVID deaths. In other parts of the country, these COVID deaths were missed or certified incorrectly as other causes.

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I paid $125 for this photo of Angela Merkel

I paid $125 for this photo of Angela Merkel

After five years of trying to get records out of the Harvard University Police Department, I ended up spending $125 on a high-resolution photo German Chancellor Angela Merkel. This is the story of how and why.

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Five cities, five different approaches to algorithms in government

Five cities, five different approaches to algorithms in government

We looked at five cities and the steps and policies that are bringing new technology to city hall.

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Help crowdfund the release of wage theft investigations in Massachusetts

Help crowdfund the release of wage theft investigations in Massachusetts

To understand how the Massachusetts government is dealing with wage theft, MuckRock requested files on the Attorney General’s investigations into four companies that have allegedly stolen wages from their workers. The AGO estimated that the processing and reproduction fees for these files will be $200 - so we’re opening the request to crowdfund.

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As local legislators debate facial recognition, some agencies restrict it with their own policies first

As local legislators debate facial recognition, some agencies restrict it with their own policies first

Last month, San Francisco became the first municipality in the country to ban the use of facial recognition by city departments. Later today, Somerville, Massachusetts may join its ranks. Agencies in other cities, however, aren’t waiting for city councils to weigh in, implementing policies that bar the use of facial recognition. Though the agency-level limits are not subject to the public development and enforcement that support city or state-level rules, they can be important measures in an agency’s own relationship with residents.

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6 Requests

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