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FBI's interest in Truman Capote was limited to his support for Cuba

FBI’s interest in Truman Capote was limited to his support for Cuba

The Federal Bureau of Investigation never conducted an investigation focused on acclaimed author Truman Capote, who was at work on his classic In Cold Blood when his name first appeared in the Bureau’s files. Though the agency declined to look into direct requests related to the writer’s safety and reputation, his file nevertheless stretches over 100 pages, in no small part because he was among those who supported, for a time, the Fair Play for Cuba Committee.

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Gore Vidal's FBI file documents every time he got under J. Edgar Hoover's thin skin

Gore Vidal’s FBI file documents every time he got under J. Edgar Hoover’s thin skin

Under J. Edgar Hoover, one of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s top priorities was to keep tabs on the director’s critics. Unsurprisingly, the 35-page FBI file on Gore Vidal reads like an enumeration of the liberal author’s slights against Hoover, all of them reported by Bureau agents or Hoover’s fans.

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