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pipeline construction

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Caledonia Pipeline Project - Protect Duck Creek

We are working to shut down a large, new natural gas distribution line in Ionia County. This line is already in progress. This 12/24" line, owned by Consumers Energy, will pass under Duck Creek, a protected trout stream. Additionally, I have not sold an easement and no eminent domain has been established. Lastly, if it runs in the right of way, it could cause the bridge over Duck Creek, which is slated for replacement in 2018, to fail, perhaps to the point of collapse. UPDATE 5/30/17: The pipeline has been slightly rerouted. It will no longer pass through my property but will be installed approximately 75 feet est of my property line.

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Lead Standing Rock responder wants $19,000 for emails with pro-DAPL PR firms

Lead Standing Rock responder wants $19,000 for emails with pro-DAPL PR firms

Looking to build off our reporting on the National Sheriffs’ Association and their help with linking North Dakota law enforcement with the public relations firms Delve and Off the Record Strategies during the #NoDAPL protests, we filed a request with the Cass County Sheriff’s Office, which took on a central role in law enforcement’s response to Standing Rock. Their reply was shocking: over nine thousand documents were responsive, resulting in a bill of over $19,000.

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Emails show Iraq War PR alumni guided government response to Standing Rock protests

Emails show Iraq War PR alumni guided government response to Standing Rock protests

Behind the scenes, as law enforcement officials tried to stem protests against the Dakota Access pipeline, alumni from the George W. Bush White House were leading a crisis communications effort to discredit pipeline protesters. This revelation comes from documents obtained via an open records request from the Laramie County Sheriff’s Department in Wyoming.

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Louisiana joins police compact which brought out-of-state cops to Standing Rock

Louisiana joins police compact which brought out-of-state cops to Standing Rock

This month, Louisiana entered into the Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC), which last year gave out-of-state cops the legal authority to flood into North Dakota during the protests against the Dakota Access pipeline. Tellingly, this agreement coincides with the state’s finalization of the Bayou Bridge pipeline proposal, itself an extension of DAPL.

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The role public records can play in pipeline protests

The role public records can play in pipeline protests

The estimated $3.7 billion Dakota Access Pipeline has been a flashpoint at the intersection of concerns environmental, tribal, and corporate. To help bolster this and future conversations, MuckRock would like to remind you of the ways public records can help shed light on pipeline plans near and far.

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Massachusetts, what is your town doing about gas leaks?

Massachusetts, what is your town doing about gas leaks?

Pipes set long ago are prone to leaks, and gas companies and government alike are privy to the fact. Talks of new natural gas lines continue, but what of maintaining our existing ones?

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