Rochester (NY) Police Department: Social media settings and Facebook comments

Adam Steinbaugh filed this request with the Rochester Police Department of Rochester, NY.

It is a clone of this request.

Tracking #




From: Adam Steinbaugh

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the New York Freedom of Information Law, I hereby request the following records:

This request seeks records relating to the Facebook page located at and the Twitter page located at An example of what each of these records look like is attached and available at

I request:

1. A copy of the full settings for the Facebook page. These records may be accessed through one of three processes:
The first option:
(a) Log in as an administrator of the page.
(b) Navigate to the Facebook page (i.e.,
(c) On the lefthand side of the page, where it says "Manage Page," scroll to "Settings," located at the lefthand side of the bottom of the page.
(d) Click "General" on the lefthand side of the page.

The second option:
(a) Log in as an administrator of the page.
(b) Go to

The third option:
(a) Log in as an administrator of the page.
(b) Navigate to the Facebook page (i.e.,
(c) Go to this URL:
(d) Click "Download your page"
(e) Select "HTML," "High," and "All time" in the available options.
(f) Make sure only the "Page profile information" and "Page settings" boxes are checked.
(g) Click "Request a download."
(h) When the information is ready to download, enter the password to download it.
(i) Press "confirm."
(j) Provide the files contained in the .zip file.

2. A copy of the list of banned people and pages. This record may be accessed in this manner:
(a) Log in as an administrator of the page.
(b) Navigate to the Facebook page (i.e.,
(c) On the lefthand side of the page, where it says "Manage Page," scroll to "Settings," located at the lefthand side of the bottom of the page.
(d) Click "People and other Pages" on the lefthand side of the page.
(e) On the menu labeled "People who Like this Page," select "Banned People and Pages"

3. A copy of the list of "Page Roles." This record may be accessed in this manner:
(a) Log in as an administrator of the page.
(b) Navigate to the Facebook page (i.e.,
(c) On the lefthand side of the page, where it says "Manage Page," scroll to "Settings," located at the lefthand side of the bottom of the page.
(d) Click "Page Roles" on the lefthand side of the page.

4. A copy of the list of words, phrases, or emojis filtered on the page by way of the "content moderation" function.
(a) Log in as an administrator of the page.
(b) Navigate to the Facebook page (i.e.,
(c) On the lefthand side of the page, where it says "Manage Page," scroll to "Settings," located at the lefthand side of the bottom of the page.
(d) On the line marked "Content Moderation," click the word "Edit." It may also be possible to obtain this list by visiting this URL:

5. For each of the "THREADS" identified below, a copy of any hidden comments, with all comments expanded, as visible when logged in as the page. The records of the hidden comments on the full thread may be accessed through this process:
(a) Log in as an administrator of the page.
(b) Navigate to the url of the thread.
(c) Make sure you are interacting with the page as the page: Click the down-pointing arrow next to the user icon (located near the top of the thread, to the right of the "Like," "Comment," and "Share" buttons) and, on the "Choose How to Interact" menu, select the name of the page.
(d) Click "Most Relevant" (or "Newest" or "All Comments" or "Hidden by This Page") and, on the menu, select "Hidden by This Page".
(e) Make sure the thread is fully expanded: Scroll through the comments and click the links reading "1 reply," "replies," or "View more comments" to expand the thread.

For purposes of this request, "THREADS" means and refers to the posts located at:

6. A copy of the lists of users blocked by the Twitter account. This list can be obtained through this process:
(a) Log into the account.
(b) Visit this URL:
(c) Visit this URL:

7. Any policy concerning public use of or interaction with the Facebook and Twitter accounts.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 5 business days, as the statute requires.


Adam Steinbaugh


Dear Requestor,

Thank you for submitting a request for records on Sunday, July 17, 2022 at 11:54 PM (Eastern Standard Time).

You will receive a response by or on Monday, August 15, 2022.
Your request reference number is Request Number: FOIL-2022-607 and your security key is 523684.
Please have both reference numbers available when communicating with our staff regarding your request.

Should you have any questions regarding your request, please contact the FOIL Review Team at:

Thank you,

Stephanie Prince

Records Access Officer

City of Rochester
City Hall
30 Church St.
Rochester, NY 14614

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From: Rochester Police Department

Dear Requestor,

Your Freedom of Information Law (FOIL), Request Number: FOIL-2022-607 has been processed.

This request is granted in part. The Facebook account listed in this request is no longer in use due to the party responsible for maintaining and updating it losing password access. The account has been out of use since 2021. The Twitter page does not have any users blocked, comments have been disabled on all posts made by the account. Rochester Police Department's social media policy can be found here: GO 390 Social Media | Rochester, NY Police Department Open Data Portal (

If you wish to appeal this determination, you must do so in writing within 30 days by emailing Corporation Counsel and Appeals Officer at: or by mailing your appeal to the following address:

City of Rochester
Corporation Counsel
30 Church Street, 400A
Rochester, NY 14614-1295

Thank you,

David Mowry

Records Access Officer
City of Rochester
City Hall
30 Church St.
Rochester, NY 14614

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There are no files associated with this request.